PROM development consulting
Patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) development is a complex process with different requirements and research methods associated with each stage.
Our global team of experts at PROMinsight will guide you through the multi-stage development process, from content development to computerized adaptive test (CAT) administration.

We tailor our consulting services around helping you conduct these key stages in test development.
our expertise

One-on-one consultation
We will guide you through each stage of the test development process, tailored specifically to the requirements of your project, such as:
Conducting qualitative studies to generate initial content for your PROM and pre-test its clarity and comprehensiveness
Writing effective items and avoiding common pitfalls of item generation
Collecting data from participants in large scale surveys to pilot test the psychometric properties of your PROM
Analysing and preparing your data for item banking and CAT
Testing the efficiency and precision of your CAT

Psychometric analyses
The PROMinsight team are experts in applying Rasch analysis to questionnaire data in order to:
Optimise the psychometric properties of your PROM to enhance measurement precision and increase the likelihood of finding statistically significant associations
Convert ordinal questionnaire scores into interval-level estimates, ready for parametric testing
Calibrate your item bank, ensuring that it is unidimensional and free of local item dependency, ready for CAT

Biostatistical analyses
Based on our wealth of experience running numerous successful randomised controlled trials and observational studies, the PROMinsight team can help you by:
Scientifically advising you on the characteristics/design of your study and the distribution of variables in your data, applying suitable transformations where necessary
Crafting a thorough analysis plan considering interactions, covariates, intention-to-treat/per protocol, and subgroup analyses
Handling missing values in appropriate ways and adjusting for multiplicity
Interpreting the magnitude and significance of results, and translating them to clinically meaningful findings
Providing thorough reports and publication-ready write ups of statistical methods and results
The PROMinsight team has international experience integrating its quality of life CATs in the system architecture and electronic health records at tertiary centres, ensuring strict adherence to data security requirements.

Using a Feed Forward Model, patients answer selected CAT tests accessed via our online portal and their scores are automatically and securely pushed via API (Application Programming Interface) to their electronic health records, ready for review and discussion with their treating doctor during the consultation.
With two of our CATs currently being implemented at Mass. Eye and Ear Hospital (GlauCAT) and the Singapore National Eye Centre (IVI-CAT), we are experienced in integrating CATs into hospital system architecture and electronic health record software, and adhering to security requirements.
We can help you with

Implementing our quality of life CATs in tertiary eye clinics for integrated and streamlined PROM assessment

Ongoing technical and logistical support after CAT implementation to keep things running smoothly

Liaising with relevant stakeholders including IT, systems managers, software teams, health care providers, & patients to ensure successful implementation

Designing outcome assessments to quantify the effectiveness of PROM assessment in clinical care

One-on-one consultation on the process of implementing CATs in healthcare