Advancing Clinical Care @ISOQOL conference
On the 20th of October 2022, PROMinsight’s very own CTO and co-founder, Assoc. Prof Eva Fenwick took the stage at the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) conference in Prague, Czech Republic. Assoc. Prof Eva Fenwick described the feasibility of implementing vision-specific quality of life computerized adaptive tests (CATs) in Singaporean cataract outpatient clinics.
Presenting as one of five speakers in the “Advancing Clinical Care” session, Assoc. Prof Fenwick described the team’s successful journey to integrate PROMinsight’s CAT platform with the electronic medical records system at the Singapore National Eye Centre in line with strict data security requirements.
Feasibility was high in terms of uptake (85%) and acceptability (~60% of patients requiring little to no assistance), and the burden of administration was low, with patients taking only 3 minutes to complete two IVI-CAT tests. Although a minority of patients were called away for clinical tests while answering the CAT questions, their interim data were stored and patients were able to complete the CAT tests upon their return without needing to restart the CAT testing process.
Despite these promising early results, Assoc. Prof Fenwick also spoke about key implementation barriers that the team faced, including difficulty incorporating the CATs into post-op clinic flow; difficulty finding an acceptable method to alert doctors to the availability of VRQoL data; and the issues associated with manual entry of patients’ ID to trigger CAT test commencement.