Comprehensive measurement of the quality of life impact of vision impairment, diabetic retinopathy, & glaucoma
Tailored solutions to your PROM development needs based on more than a decade of experience
Our Solution
Our CATs deliver precise measurement of eye & vision-specific quality of life, fast
Helping researchers, clinicians and clinical trial teams evaluate the effectiveness of treatment therapies and interventions from the patient’s perspective.
Internationally recognised leader in PROMs
We enjoy close collaborative relationships with industry partners; ophthalmologists at tertiary eye centres around the world; and other influential agencies, including the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) and the Food and Drug Agency (FDA).
Over 10 PROMs
Developed and validated over 10 quality of life & other PROMs, including 3 CATs, 5 digital questionnaires, and 2 utility measures
160 papers in peer-reviewed journals
Published over 160 papers in top-ranking peer-reviewed journals on patient reported outcomes and 5 book chapters
Numerous conference presentations
Participated in countless ophthalmic and CAT conferences, symposiums, and expert panels
Health Conditions
We specialise in the areas of Ophthalmology and Diabetes, and our PROMs capture the impact of vision impairment, eye conditions and diabetes and related complications on a range of quality of life and other outcomes.
Our Team
A team of dedicated professionals
We are passionate about understanding the impact of health conditions and treatments from the patient’s perspective. We provide tailored solutions for researchers, clinicians, industry partners, and tertiary eye centres who need fast, precise, real-time measurement of the quality of life impact of eye conditions, vision impairment, and treatments.
Agency Endorsement
ICHOMInternational Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM), Boston, US.
B-IVI for Age-related macular degeneration
Our Certifications
Our Collaborators